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Friday, July 13, 2007
father n son

our kelong!

when e sky n e sea merge...

four beauties of e beach!

snowyhina [12:51 PM]

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
memories of hong kong!

wow! whose elmo!

oh my... that looks tasty!

i'm larger than ELEPHANTS!

jin ji du li!!!


snowyhina [1:24 AM]

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
1st post!

xuet ying here... hehex... decided to set up a blog for e whole group of us... where we can post our photos or ramblings or to discuss about upcoming activities!

just trying it out! =)

snowyhina [2:42 AM]

`[[kc tan + fiona
~* xuet + mei + hui
`[[gc tan + catherine
~* ben + agnes
`[[st yeo + judy
~* qiang + jie + jiamin
+ eugene + joel
`[[viv lee + lee papa
~* han + xiuhue
`[[yc ng + elise
~* en + jun
`[[fj toh + constance
~* huiyi + yang + huiwen
`[[bh teo + margaret
~* tzeyuan

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+ looking back .
x July 2007
x November 2008

+ credits .
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x xl0nestarrs-