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Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm HuiYing! heh. xD here to infect all of you with my christmas mood! haha!

I.Cant.Believe.That.Christmas.Is.That.Near!! hahaha! okay... maybe not. 47 more days to CHRISTMASSSS! I want to celebrate christmasss! hahaha! such a happy occassion. but i dont think we are going to celebrate it. cause we will be in different parts of the worldddd! whoaaa! haha! ofcourse! it's the holidays now! (more like concentration camps. look at the pile of homework! T.T *cries*) everyone should be out shopping, playing, laughing away instead of working in the office, rushing work, stuck at home, doing homework, or worse, studying for O level or A level.

What has the world become!? everyone's becoming robots. work.work.work.work.study.study.study.study.

All work, no play, makes everyone a dull person. (heh. cool eh?)

okay, back to christmas.


VIRUS: Tan Hui Ying

oh no! what are we gonna do?!

forget it. i'm like crapping rubbish here on this blog. no one updates this blog! i'm so dissappointed that no one makes the effort to update this blog! fine, i am too. that's because i forgot my userid and password. heh. xD sorry!

i guess i shall stop here nowww. and stop flooding the whole post with my nonsense. or maybe not. i shall update everyone. (about what? let's see. )

how's everyone doing? This fast-paced society is so fatal. A pause to catch your breath can be so dangerous. heh. what am i talking about? at least i think all of us are coping well. even if any one of us have any problems, it'll be solved like really really fast! hahah! cause that is what and why we have friends. xD it's so so so sad that we all cant meet up at the same time, cause everyone have their very own busy schedule. it's so hard to find a common time to have a kakis gathering. oh well. at least we still have this kakis blog to update each other about how we have been coping with life. even if we lose contact, (that probably wont happen) we will still be connected by this blog. haha. and even if we all are living our lives in different parts of the world, this blog will serve as a reminder of the great times we have spent together. by that time, this blog will be filled with all the wonderful memories that we have created together. hahaha. it'll be so lively and colourful! just imagine that! just like a christmas tree! ( i know estelle would say "what's with you and christmas!?" heh!) oh shucks. this post is so weird! so random at the front, and so emotional at the back. (not very emotional though.i hope not.xD)

okay i really think i shall sign off now. because everyone reading will be feeling so irritated and amused at my weird post. please update alright? hahaa! take care!!

signing off,
the random,hyper, crazy HuiYing.


darkkishme [6:33 PM]

Friday, July 13, 2007
father n son

our kelong!

when e sky n e sea merge...

four beauties of e beach!

snowyhina [12:51 PM]

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
memories of hong kong!

wow! whose elmo!

oh my... that looks tasty!

i'm larger than ELEPHANTS!

jin ji du li!!!


snowyhina [1:24 AM]

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
1st post!

xuet ying here... hehex... decided to set up a blog for e whole group of us... where we can post our photos or ramblings or to discuss about upcoming activities!

just trying it out! =)

snowyhina [2:42 AM]

`[[kc tan + fiona
~* xuet + mei + hui
`[[gc tan + catherine
~* ben + agnes
`[[st yeo + judy
~* qiang + jie + jiamin
+ eugene + joel
`[[viv lee + lee papa
~* han + xiuhue
`[[yc ng + elise
~* en + jun
`[[fj toh + constance
~* huiyi + yang + huiwen
`[[bh teo + margaret
~* tzeyuan

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+ looking back .
x July 2007
x November 2008

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x xl0nestarrs-